Fibula Nail 2 Surgical Technique


Document TitleDocument TypeLanguagePublishedUpdated
Fibula Nail 2 Surgical Technique (FNA10-02-E)Surgical TechniqueEnglish ENJuly 16, 2024July 16, 2024

Designed in conjunction with Roy Sanders, MD, the Acumed Fibula Nail 2 includes three nail diameters and four length options, power reamers and carbon fiber radiolucent targeting guides to streamline the procedure, threaded holes within the nail, headless hexalobe screws to minimize soft-tissue irritation, and the option to lock the nail proximally, providing additional fixation within the canal. The Fibula Nail 2 must be used in conjunction with the Acumed Fibula and Forearm Nail (FFN) 2 Base Set, which contains universal instrumentation to implant the Fibula Nail 2, Ulna Nail 2, and screws. Indications for Use: The Acumed Fibula and Forearm Nail 2 System is intended for fixation of fractures and osteotomies of the fibula and ulna, including fractures where the medullary canal is narrow or flexibility of the implant is paramount.

This document is also available in the following languages:

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