ExtremiLock FPS Medial Column Plates Surgical Technique


Document TitleDocument TypeLanguagePublishedUpdated
ExtremiLock FPS Medial Column Plates Surgical Technique (030-2170-A)Surgical TechniqueEnglish ENJanuary 24, 2022January 24, 2022

The OsteoMed ExtremiLOCK Foot System Medial Column Plates “VERSA Plates” are designed to treat multiple reconstructive procedures and traumatic injuries of the midfoot. The plates can be used for Charcot arthropathy cases and are perfectly contoured for Talonavicular, Naviculocuneiform and Tarsometatarsal fusions. The VERSA plates are anatomically designed and provide locking and non-locking variable angle fixation in multiple planes. The plates can be used with 3.5mm/4.0mm fully threaded locking and non-locking cortical screws and in combination with 4.0 mm cannulated interfragmentary or 4.0mm cannulated fully threaded screws.