Fibula Rod System Surgical Technique


Document TitleDocument TypeLanguagePublishedUpdated
Fibula Rod System Surgical Technique (LEX00-01-F)Surgical TechniqueEnglish ENApril 25, 2014July 12, 2019

Acumed’s Fibula Rod System represents an alternative to the use of ORIF for unstable ankle fractures. Open reduction of ankle fractures has been associated with high rates of deep wound sepsis, particularly in the elderly and diabetics, and in patients where the soft tissue envelope is swollen and blistered. Retained hardware under the lateral malleolar incision is also a common source of skin and soft tissue irritation and discomfort. Acumed’s goal is to provide excellent fracture stability through a minimally invasive procedure. Incorporating a straightforward targeting guide, the Fibula Rod and the interlocking screws can be inserted via small incisions, which may reduce some of the surgical complications associated with ORIF.

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Document TitleDocument TypeLanguagePublishedUpdated
Sistema de varilla para peroné Técnica quirúrgica (ESLEX00-01-A)  Surgical TechniqueEspañol ESMarch 25, 2015March 12, 2018