Who Should Use This Application
This Fellowship Grant Application is intended for use by Applicant Organizations which are: (i) accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME), the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), or (ii) if located outside of the United States, accredited by a foreign country’s recognized graduate medical education accrediting body. An eligible Applicant Organization is the sponsoring institution (organization or entity) that assumes the ultimate financial and academic responsibility for the accredited clinical fellowship program. Participating clinical sites are not eligible Applicant Organizations unless they are also the sponsoring institution that assumes ultimate financial and academic responsibility of the fellowship program.
Acumed does not provide grants to individual health care professionals (HCPs) or to HCPs in training and does not provide grants that are earmarked for the benefit of individual HCPs or HCPs in training. Accordingly, Acumed will not consider grant requests for individual HCPs or HCPs in training. In addition, this Application should not be used to request grant funding for independent medical educational programs for health care professionals, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, or courses, with or without labs, that are sponsored by professional medical associations, societies, or continuing education providers and academic institution labs. Such requests should be made through the Professional Medical Education Grant Application.
Submission Deadline
We are now accepting applications for 2025-2026 Fellowship Grants.
Deadline to submit a 2025-2026 Fellowship Grant Application is May 1st, 2025.
To manage our budget and to ensure Acumed can fund as many worthwhile programs as possible, we limit the awarding of Fellowship Grants to once per calendar year. To be considered, the completed application, including all required documentation, must be submitted by May 1st. Applications submitted after the May 1st deadline will be held for the following year’s review cycle. Applicants will receive grant notifications by June 30th. If you have any questions, please contact grants@acumed.net.
Other Applications
Professional Medical Education Grant Application is intended to be used for all grant requests for independent medical educational programs for health care professionals, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, or courses, with or without labs, that are sponsored by professional medical associations, societies, or continuing education providers and academic institution surgical skills labs.
Collaborative Research Opportunities is intended to be used for all requests for support towards research proposals and research studies.