Professional Medical Education Grants provide funding for independent medical educational programs for health care professionals, including congresses, conferences, symposiums, or courses, with or without labs, that are sponsored by professional medical associations, societies, or continuing education providers and academic institution labs. This includes support requested for cadaveric labs intended to educate fellows or residents at an academic institution.
Acumed does not provide grants to individual health care professionals (HCPs) or to HCPs in training and does not provide grants that are earmarked for the benefit of individual HCPs or HCPs in training. Accordingly, Acumed will not consider grant requests earmarked for individual HCPs or HCPs in training.
Submission deadline: To be considered, the completed application, including all required supporting documentation, must be received at least 60 days before the scheduled date of the event, activity, or program. If you have any questions, please contact