Acumed Introduces Unique Approach to Compression at AOFAS Annual Meeting
July 14, 2015
Acumed, a leading manufacturer of orthopaedic implants, will feature its new Ratcheting Compression Plating System at the 2015 American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) Annual Meeting, July 15-18.
The Ratcheting Compression Plating System is licensed from and was developed in collaboration with FxDEVICES of Boca Raton, Florida.
The ratchet plates are designed to provide fixation for many fusions and osteotomies in the foot. With appropriate application, the anti-reversing ratchet hub allows the surgeon to generate, incrementally increase, and retain mechanical compression at the site. The ratchet plates come in six sizes to meet a variety of indications in the foot.
The Acumed Ratcheting Compression Plating System is intended to be used for fixation such as LisFranc arthrodesis, mono or bi-cortical osteotomies in the forefoot, first metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis, Akin osteotomy, midfoot and hindfoot arthrodeses or osteotomies, fixation of osteotomies for hallux valgus treatment (Scarf and Chevron), and arthrodesis of the metatarsocuneiform joint to reposition and stabilize metatarsus primus varus.
Biomechanical testing performed by Acumed demonstrated higher compressive force generated and maintained at the site and greater pullout strength by the Acumed Ratchet Plate in comparison to another stainless steel staple implant (Acumed Internal Test Report No. TR01279).
Acumed will be in Booth 441 at AOFAS, which will draw more than 700 participants to the venue in Long Beach, California. Visitors to the booth can engage with Acumed product managers, design engineers, and sales representatives, as well as see demos of the Ratcheting Compression Plating System and other current Acumed products.
About Acumed
Acumed LLC is a global leader of innovative orthopaedic implant solutions. Founded in 1988, Acumed is headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, with offices and a distribution network around the world. Acumed is dedicated to developing products, service methods, and approaches that improve patient care.
FxDEVICES works with inventing surgeons and leading orthopaedic companies to drive product innovation for better patient outcomes.
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