Product Overview
The Acumed Fibula Rod System offers an alternative approach to traditional fibular plating by providing fracture stability with a minimally invasive surgical technique. Utilizing a targeting guide, the fibula rod and interlocking screws can be inserted through small incisions, which may help minimize valuable surgery room time.
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Fibula Rod System Procedures
The Fibula Rod System can be used in the following procedures:
Ankle Fracture (Ankle), Syndesmosis Injury (Ankle)Solutions for Simple to Complex Trimalleolar Injuries

Ankle Syndesmosis Repair System with Acu-Sinch Knotless
The Ankle Syndesmosis Repair System with Acu-Sinch Knotless is intended to provide fixation during the healing process following a syndesmotic trauma, such as fixation of syndesmosis disruption in connection with Weber B and C ankle fractures. It is compatible with implants from Acumed and OsteoMed fibula fracture fixation products
The Acu-Sinch Knotless device consists of a lateral Round Button and medial Flip Button connected by self-locking suture loop. The Titanium Flip Button is designed to pass through a 3.5 mm bone tunnel, plates, or intramedullary nails with a nonlocking 3.5 mm hole, while the low-profile titanium Round Button is compatible with a variety of titanium fibula plates and nails with 3.5 mm nonlocking screw holes, including intramedullary fixation nails in the Acumed Fibula Rod System.
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Key Features
Minimally Invasive
The nail is inserted in the distal fibula through a minimal incision. Screws are inserted by making stab incisions to protect the soft tissue envelope and preserve vascularity of the periosteum.
Anatomically Contoured
The nail has a 5° bend designed to fit the intramedullary canal of the fibula.
Streamlined Procedure
The surgical technique consists of 8 steps from start to finish, streamlining valuable surgery time.
Targeting Guide
The targeting guide aids in the anatomic placement of both A/P and M/L screws and allows for syndesmotic screw fixation.
360° Rotation
Video: Fibula Rod System Animated Surgical Technique
An animated version of Acumed’s suggested method for implanting the Fibula Rod System, an innovative solution to address distal fibular fractures by incorporating straightforward targeting with a minimally invasive surgical approach.
Case Study: Open Reduction of the Lateral Malleolus
A 76-year-old woman stepped off a curb and twisted her right ankle. Due to swelling and blistering, the surgeon chose to use Acumed's Fibula Rod System to treat the fracture of the lateral malleolus.