Calcaneal Plating System

Product Overview

The Acumed Calcaneal Plating System is designed to deliver a new level of performance, versatility, and reliability for calcaneal fractures. Our Calcaneal Plating System offers a minimally invasive approach that may reduce the potential for wound complications and soft tissue irritation.

Calcaneal Plating System Procedures

The Calcaneal Plating System can be used in the following procedures:

Calcaneal Fracture (Hindfoot)

Key Features

  • Plates Specifically for a Sinus Tarsi Approach

    MINI-Calc® Plates offer a variety of plate configurations in a low-profile design and can be utilized through a sinus tarsi approach for minimally invasive treatment.

  • Fragment-Specific Options

    Whether comminution is present in the anterior process, through the posterior facet, in the anterior tuberosity, or any combination, multiple plates and sizes are available to treat each of these fracture patterns.

  • Low-profile Plates

    The MINI-Calc Plates are 1.25 mm thick and are designed to minimize soft tissue irritation.

360° Rotation  

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Video: Mini-Calc Plating System Surgical Technique

An animated version of Acumed’s suggested method for implanting Mini-Calc Plates, part of the locking Calcaneal Plating System, specifically designed to target the quality bone in the calcaneus and minimize soft tissue irritation, while still providing a durable construct.

Case Study: Nondisplaced Calcaneus Fracture

Case Study
Dr. Jared Salinsky, used the Acumed Calcaneal Plating System to treat a nondisplaced calcaneus fracture in a 54-year-old male who fell from a ladder from a height of approximately four and a half feet. He was immediately seen in the emergency room where he was splinted and told to ice and elevate the foot and ankle. X-rays of his lumbar spine revealed no injury to the vertebrae. Upon his initial visit to the office he was found to have significant swelling and discoloration to the hindfoot. He had appropriate pain and was neurovascularly intact in the foot.
View Case Study

Calc-Jak System

To assist surgeons in restoring patient anatomy prior to fracture fixation, the Calc-Jak is an instrument designed to help pull displaced fractures of the calcaneus out to length. The Calc-Jak allows for medial/lateral, anterior/posterior, and superior/inferior translation of calcaneus fractures that can be locked in place using the cam levers. This optional system may be used in conjunction with the minimally invasive, sinus tarsi approach for treating calcaneus fractures with Mini-Calc Plates.

System Features:

  • Threaded pins are available in two diameters (4.0 mm and 5.0 mm) to match the sizing needs and bone density of the patien.
  • Twin ball clamps allow for M/L, A/P, and S/I translation of a calcaneus fracture, can be locked in place individually.
  • The fine tune adjustment block allows for additional calcaneal translation after the cam-levers have been locked.
  • Ergonomic handle

Approved Indications: Calcaneal fractures

Calc-Jak System

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