OsteoMed ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System

Offered as a module within the ExtremiLock™ Ankle Plating System, the ExtremiLock™ Ankle Fusion Plating System includes anatomically contoured anterior, posterior, and lateral fusion plates to address TT (tibiotalar) and TTC (tibiotalocalcaneal) arthrodesis.
The universal holes of the plates accept a variety of screw diameters as well as locking, nonlocking, and cannulated screw options designed to accommodate surgical variation and surgeon preference.
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OsteoMed ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System Procedures
The OsteoMed ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System can be used in the following procedures:
Ankle Osteoarthritis (Ankle), Tibio-talo-calcaneal (TTC) / Tibio-talar (TT) Arthrodesis (Ankle), Tibio-talar (TT) Arthrodesis (Ankle), Arthrodesis/Deformity Correction (Other)System Features
- Variable Angle Locking Screws: Locking screws can be locked on axis with the plate threads or up to 20º of angled-locking in any direction.
- Transfixation Holes: Transfixation holes in the plates are designed to provide construct and screw interface with compression across the fusion site.
- Double Lead Screw Technology: Screws in the system feature double lead thread pattern technology, which is designed to allow for faster screw insertion when compared to single lead screws.

OsteoMed ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plates System Overview
In this animation, we review key features and surgical applications of the ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System.
Anterior Ankle Fusion Surgical Technique Lab with John Early, MD
Dr. John Early demonstrates an anterior ankle fusion using the ExtremiLock Anterior Ankle Fusion Plate.
Perspectives on Lateral Ankle Fusion with Dan Robinson, DPM, FACFAS
In this video, Dr. Robinson discusses his perspectives on lateral TT and TTC arthrodesis and the design rationale behind the ExtremiLock Lateral Ankle Fusion Plates.
Tibiotalar (TT) Arthrodesis Lab with Dan Robinson, DPM, FACFAS
In this video, Dr. Robinson demonstrates his technique for Tibiotalar (TT) Arthrodesis using the ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System.
Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) Arthrodesis Lab with Dan Robinson, DPM, FACFAS
In this video, Dr. Robinson demonstrates his technique for Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) Arthrodesis using the ExtremiLock Ankle Fusion Plating System.