OsteoMed ExtremiLock Foot Plating System

The ExtremiLock™ Foot Plating System includes the latest in variable angled locking screw and plate technology to treat multiple reconstructive and trauma applications of the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot. Dedicated instrumentation in this comprehensive system allows for multiple intraoperative options to accommodate surgical variation and patient anatomy.
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4 Brochures
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Solving Flatfoot
3 Case Studies
Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation and Primary Arthrodesis of Comminuted Second Metatarsal Base Fracture Using the ExtremiLock Lisfranc Dorsomedial Plate - Waldemar Majdanski, DPM, FACFAS
Evaluation and Treatment of Painful Pes Planovalgus Deformity with Triple Arthrodesis Technique Case Study
ExtremiLock FPS Medial Column Versa Plate Case Study
3 Surgical Techniques
ExtremiLock Foot Plating System Lisfranc Plating System Surgical Technique
ExtremiLock FPS Medial Column Plates Surgical Technique
OsteoMed Foot Plating System Surgical Technique
1 Value Analysis Guide
ExtremiLock Foot Plating System Lisfranc Plating System Value Analysis Guide
OsteoMed ExtremiLock Foot Plating System Procedures
The OsteoMed ExtremiLock Foot Plating System can be used in the following procedures:
1st Metatarso-phalangeal (MTP) Arthrodesis (Forefoot), Closing wedge osteotomy (Forefoot), Opening Wedge Osteotomy (Forefoot), Proximal 5th Metatarsal Fracture (Jones Fracture) (Forefoot), Hallux valgus (Forefoot), Calcaneo-cuboid Arthrodesis (Hindfoot), Triple Arthrodesis (Hindfoot), Talonavicular Joint Arthrodesis (Hindfoot), Lateral Column Lengthening (Evans) (Hindfoot), Calcaneal Sliding Osteotomy (Hindfoot), Flatfoot (Hindfoot), Calcaneal Fracture (Hindfoot), Jones Fracture (Midfoot), Lisfranc Dislocation / Midfoot Fracture (Midfoot), First Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis (Lapidus) (Midfoot), Medial Column Arthrodesis (Midfoot), Medial Cuneiform Dorsal Opening Wedge (Cotton) Osteotomy (Midfoot), Navicular Cuneiform Arthrodesis (Midfoot), Equinus Contracture (Other), Arthrodesis/Deformity Correction (Other)Lisfranc Plating System

The Lisfranc plating modules are housed within the ExtremiLock Foot plating system tray.
One module contains the 1st-2nd, 2nd-3rd ray plates and dorsomedial plates.
The second module contains the stabilization plates, medial plates, *2.7 mm locking and nonlocking screws, *3.5 mm nonlocking screws (32 mm—60 mm) and targeting guide.
Instrumentation and the 3.5 mm and 4.0 mm screws required to implant the Lisfranc plates are housed within the ExtremiLock Foot system tray.
Learn more about the Lisfranc Plating System
Evans Osteotomy for Adult Acquired Transverse Plane Predominant Flatfoot Deformity with Roland Ramdass, DPM, FACFAS
Using both the ExtremiLock™ Foot Plating System and PrimaGraft® Evans/Cotton Wedges, Dr. Ramdass demonstrates the Evan Osteotomy Surgical Technique for Adult Acquired Transverse Plane Predominant Flatfoot Deformity.
Product Training Series: ExtremiLock Foot Plating System, Key Features with Lina Gibson
In this video, Senior Product Manager, Lina Gibson reviews key features of the ExtremiLock Foot Plating System.
OsteoMed ExtremiLock Foot Plating System Overview
In this animation, we review key features of the ExtremiLock Foot Plating System and common surgical indications.
Perspectives on Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity Treatment with Roland Ramdass, DPM, FACFAS
Dr. Ramdass discusses the pathologies and treatment of adult acquired flatfoot deformity with the Acumed ExtremiLock Foot Plating System and the ExtremiFix Midsize and Large Cannulated Screw System. Dr. Ramdass then highlights the importance of having a wide range of implants on hand for procedures and what it takes to be an effective foot and ankle orthopaedic rep.
Primary Triple Arthrodesis for Management of Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity with Roland Ramdass, DPM, FACFAS
Combining the ExtremiLock Foot Plating System and the ExtremiFix Midsize and Large Cannulated Screw Systems, Dr. Ramdass demonstrates the surgical technique for primary triple arthrodesis for management of adult acquired flatfoot deformity.
Adult Acquired Flatfoot Surgical Reconstruction with Medial Column Fusion Technique with Roland Ramdass, DPM, FACFAS
The OsteoMed ExtremiLOCK Foot System Medial Column Plates "VERSA Plates" are designed to treat multiple reconstructive procedures and traumatic injuries of the midfoot. Roland Ramdass simulates the repair of adult acquired flatfoot with the Medial Column Fusion Technique.