OsteoMed KobyGard System

The KobyGard™ System is designed to address chronic plantar fasciitis and Morton’s neuroma, two common soft tissue foot indications. The system offers minimally invasive solutions for plantar fasciotomy and nerve decompression while providing an alternative to endoscopic or open procedures.
Related Documents
1 Brochure
OsteoMed KobyGard Brochure
2 Surgical Techniques
OsteoMed KobyGard MIND Surgical Technique
OsteoMed KobyGard MPF Surgical Technique
OsteoMed KobyGard System Procedures
The OsteoMed KobyGard System can be used in the following procedures:
Mortons Neuroma (Forefoot), Plantar Fascitis (Midfoot), Equinus Contracture (Other)Video
OsteoMed KobyGard System Surgical Technique Lab
In this video, the surgical technique for Morton's Neuroma decompression and plantar fasciotomies are outlined using the KobyGard System.