Ridge-Form Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction Mesh
February 7, 2022
Overview The OsteoMed RidgeForm™ Mesh is comprised of 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm diameter screws and meshes used for stabilization and support of bone grafts in dentoalveolar bony defect sites. This system features our patented Auto-Drive® self-drilling screws, which eliminate the need for predrilling. The instruments include screwdrivers for the placement of support and tacking screws, a surgical stent, an …
The OsteoMed RidgeForm™ Mesh is comprised of 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm diameter screws and meshes used for stabilization and support of bone grafts in dentoalveolar bony defect sites. This system features our patented Auto-Drive® self-drilling screws, which eliminate the need for predrilling. The instruments include screwdrivers for the placement of support and tacking screws, a surgical stent, an insertion tool, and a plate cutter for contouring and placing the meshes.
Smooth precurved designed mesh requiring limited contouring at the surgical site. Available in 11 and 16 mm sizes for the anterior and left/right hemi.